
It's That Time Again...

I've been blessed with my monthly visitor this week, which I should be happy about because it means I'm not knocked up (side note: I've watched too many episodes of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant so I am now paranoid that I could be pregnant anyway, but I digress...). I was useless yesterday and had to leave work early. Of course this has to happen on one of the two weeks of the year that it is imperative everyone be there. I went in because I didn't want to screw over my co-workers by being gone on a potentially busy day. By lunchtime I was in hour 18 or so of my migraine, and was fighting to not puke all over my desk. It was fun times. I managed to sleep it off once I got home, and am feeling mostly better today. At least the headache part is gone even if the uterus ache is not. I'm going to go crawl back into my hole of feeling sorry for myself for being a woman now. I'll be back next week....