
Gobble Gobble

Things I'm thanful for:

Good family & friends
Good health
My pup
Job security
The Saints 10-0!!! Who Dat!
That I'm going to see my grandparents today

Now it's time to go take my shower and prepare for the drive home and dinner. I hope everyone one has a great day, and at least one thing to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Insert Witty Title Here

Had a fairly good weekend. A friend of mine came in from Austin, TX, on her way to Florida, so I got to hang out with her. Which made me realize how much I miss my girlfriends. After graduating they all moved away, and I don't see them very often. I haven't laughed like that in quite a while, Saturday was fabulous. I met up with her and a couple of other guys I used to hang out with in college. We went to a couple of bars to watch some football. Then we went and had sushi for dinner. I really need to make more of an effort to keep in touch and go see her more often because seriously FUN TIMES. Relaxed and hung out with some other friends on Sunday (note to self need to hang out with them more).

The ant issue in my apartment persists. I called last week to see if they can come spray (that was Thursday) and hadn't heard back from them. So, I called back today because the bastards have migrated from being in my kitchen/living room area to my bathroom, which is were my pup stays when I am gone. While I was on the phone the office person told me that they are having a hard time getting the bug company to come out and spray because they are so busy, but they have a list of apartments that need to be sprayed. I got off the phone thought about the conversation for a moment then I was like "What the F*ck?" You have a whole list of people who are having ant problems, not the kind of ants that don't bite these are fire ants, and you can't find someone to come out and spray? Are you f*cking kidding me? I'm thinking that you need to call that company and say either come out and spray or loose our business. I can guarantee they could find someone to come out because seeing how it is an apartment complex that would be a fairly large contract for a company to obtain, meaning $$$. I just think its ridiculous to have what must be an infestation of ants and let it go for days, oh yeah and they don't know if they can even get them to come out this week, it may not be till next, so actually letting the problem go for weeks. I am a generally non-confrontational person, but I kinda wanna go to the office and get confrontational with these people. I'm not throwing money down the drain paying rent each month to hire my own exterminator thankyouverymuch.

Still haven't decided what I'm doing for Turkey Day, but am leaning towards going to my BF's (best friend) house to have dinner with her family. I have also decided to give in and read Twilight. I'm sick of being told "OMG YOU HAVE TO READ IT!!!" so I am. Not that I have anything against it. I just didn't have any desire to read it. I already know what happens in the end but I like reading so I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway. Now to make it through the next two and half days of work then I will make it to my looong weekend!


Most Random Phone Call I've Ever Received*

This occurred at approximately 6pm CST yesterday.
Phone rings.

Enter weird robotized lady voice "This is Insurance Co. calling for Just Another Southern Girl. Is this she?"
"We want to make sure you're taking full advantage of your heath benefits and heath tips at your fingertips. For more information see our website Or, you can call 1-800-???-????. Would you like me to repeat this information?"
"Before I go we would like to share a health care tip with you. Make an effort stand up while talking on the phone. Standing for just 25 minutes while on the phone burns 50 calories! People may give you strange looks, but <cannot remember what was said, laughing too hard to pay attention>. Would you like to continue this call to receive additional information?"

*written from memory, probably not verbatim, but close enough.


Notsowordless Wednesday: I went all the way to Europe to find the general lee...


Wordless Wednesday: Veterans Day

Take time to thank a soldier today for defending the freedoms we enjoy. Today I am thinking of my family and friends who have or are currenty serving our country. My great-grandfather, 3 grandfathers, an uncle, 3 cousins and 2 friends. Especially thinking of a Marine who is, at this moment, on his way to Afghanistan...


Busy, busy day...

Going to NOLA, my favorite city in the world, today. I've got my little brother's b-day dinner with the fam. UGH. Not in the mood to deal with my mother. Don't get me wrong, I love her, she gave birth to me and led me somewhat successfully into adulthood. BUT, she drives me crazy. She still sees me as the infant she gave birth to, and therefore feels the need to judge my every life decision, because of course they are all wrong and I'm going to hell. I got a new piercing (not me, but that is where mine is. It's a star. I like it) last week. So I will probably receive disgusted looks, and a lecture about it. Oh, yes and I am sure the fact that they think I'm going to hell will be passive aggressively communicated to me. Not joking. Fun times.

Then I have my best friend's godchild's third birthday party. I love her like family, she is practically my sister. Her mom is my second mom and considers me her third child. That said anything involving her sister, or her sister's kid(s), is sure to be filled with needless drama. I love the kids, and I love her family, but seriously D.R.A.M.A.

Then somewhere to watch the Saints play some football. Probably at another friend's house.

Then going to see, Matisyahu at HOB. So excited about this, but forgot to tell my boss I might be late to work tomorrow. The whole going to a show, not going to get back home till late, supposed to be to work for 7am business, probably not gonna be on time. Ooops. I'm not drinking, but I will be quite tired. We will see how that goes.

I'm out, time to hit the road!



A few days ago, I'm doing my favorite evening activity, sitting on the sofa watching tv. I know it's kinda sad that watching tv is one of my favorite activities, but I just can't help myself. I probably need tv addicts anonymous....Anyway, I'm on the sofa and I feel something on my leg. It's an ant, up in my pants, on my knee. Not cool. Next day. Sick. Laying on sofa trying to not feel like crap, feel something on my back. Ant. Again. Since then I keep feeling ants crawling on me, except therere aren't any ants crawling on me. Stupid ants. Stupid apartment.


Wordless Wednesday: View from outside the house where Anne Frank's family hid.

Amsterdam 4/1