
Busy, busy day...

Going to NOLA, my favorite city in the world, today. I've got my little brother's b-day dinner with the fam. UGH. Not in the mood to deal with my mother. Don't get me wrong, I love her, she gave birth to me and led me somewhat successfully into adulthood. BUT, she drives me crazy. She still sees me as the infant she gave birth to, and therefore feels the need to judge my every life decision, because of course they are all wrong and I'm going to hell. I got a new piercing (not me, but that is where mine is. It's a star. I like it) last week. So I will probably receive disgusted looks, and a lecture about it. Oh, yes and I am sure the fact that they think I'm going to hell will be passive aggressively communicated to me. Not joking. Fun times.

Then I have my best friend's godchild's third birthday party. I love her like family, she is practically my sister. Her mom is my second mom and considers me her third child. That said anything involving her sister, or her sister's kid(s), is sure to be filled with needless drama. I love the kids, and I love her family, but seriously D.R.A.M.A.

Then somewhere to watch the Saints play some football. Probably at another friend's house.

Then going to see, Matisyahu at HOB. So excited about this, but forgot to tell my boss I might be late to work tomorrow. The whole going to a show, not going to get back home till late, supposed to be to work for 7am business, probably not gonna be on time. Ooops. I'm not drinking, but I will be quite tired. We will see how that goes.

I'm out, time to hit the road!