

So, I have made some progress since my last post. I went to the gym last week, a few times, okay only twice, but I have to start somewhere right? I've made excuses the past couple days, but I am definitely going to yoga tonight, it keeps me sane.

I have put some thought into the whole hobby business, and I've come up with a couple of things I think are financially feasible, and more importantly that I will enjoy and that will provide a creative outlet. I am going to take a cake decorating class, and am also looking into a photography class. I have a pretty decent digital camera and, I think, I could take some good pictures if I had more knowledge of what settings to use etc...Also, there is a beginner's class for photoshop available as well so I am considering taking it too. 

My apartment has been kept up fairly well. My room still has some work that needs to be done, but is looking much better. Part of the problem in my room is lack of space to store things, mainly clothes. However, I am working on a remedy. My dad is going to be selling his house and getting rid of the majority of his furniture (he recently married and is moving in with my step-mom and will not need it anymore). So, in what was my room, is an antique bedroom set. I will be getting the dresser, and if I can find space for it, the vanity as well. This will alleviate my space issue, at which point I will have no excuse for a messy room other than laziness.

As far as the whole watching my tone situation I am a work in progress. I have caught myself a few times and corrected myself, and apologized to the victim, who is usually my ex boyfriend. I think this is the hardest item on my list.

Water is a big fail, you would think it wouldn't be that hard. I guess I shouldn't call it a total fail since I am improving, but I am not where I should be yet. 

I am also considering a career change. I pretty much hate my job. I've been working on a post about that for a while, but just can't seem to get it right. I am not making any quick changes here for a number of reasons. However, I think I have at least figured out what I want to do and am going to take steps towards it. I am pretty sure I want to be a midwife, but I am first going to become a Doula. They don't offer the workshop near where I live so I will have to travel, but they are offering the workshop in Austin, TX. Conveniently enough I have a friend who lives there who I am hoping will lend me her couch for a few days. They have one in September and another in October. They are over a weekend, so I would only have to take off a Friday & Monday from work, which should be a non-issue. I have already purchased the reading material I must complete before going to the workshop. I am pretty excited because I have been struggling with hating my job, but needing my job because I have bills to pay. However, I'm still pretty nervous about finding a job in this field. I know of one agency in my area that provides doula services, but I haven't contacted them to find out if they want/need another one.  I figure I need to take it one step at a time, and will contact them once I have attended the workshop. Also, in order to become certified I will have to attend live births, of course, and conveniently enough my cousin just found out she is pregnant so I am hoping she will allow me to be there with her.