
30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 2

A picture of you and the person you've been closest to the longest

I know that is actually two people. These are my two Amys (my step-mom's name is Amy too, lots of Amys in my life). The one on the left is my cousin Amy, who I've known since birth. Technically she should be the only one in the picture with me, but to me they both qualify. She and I lived on opposite sides of the state growing up, but we were pen pals. I would get to see her about 2 times a year, and we would write letters to each other in between. We live together now and she is one of my best friends. The other Amy (on the far right) is my best friend from high school. We've known each other nearly 15 years. We've been through a lot together and even had a few years where we didn't speak during our high school/college transition. She is my family. Her parents are my second parents and I practically lived with her during the summers in high school. They will be the maids of honor at my wedding (I can't choose between them). This picture was taken when we went to Biloxi to see Taylor Swift.


30 Day Photo Challenge - Day 1

A picture of yourself with 15 facts

1. My favorite foods are asparagus and gravy, but not together.
2. I want a great dane named Gravy.
3. My boyfriend and I have been together the better part of 6 years, but haven't gotten married (yet).
4. I live my life by emotions instead of logic.
5. I love dogs. Once we get a house we will have at least 3.
6. I hate strongly dislike cats. I never had a strong like for them but having a college roommate with multiple cats and issues keeping a clean litter box has turned me off to cats forever.
7. I am terrified of snakes, and death.
8. I'm messy.
9. I have a horrible fashion sense. Actually, I have NO fashion sense.
10. My day does not start until I've had my coffee.
11. I drive too fast.
12. I am VERY pro natural birth, cloth diapering, baby wearing, and AP in general, and am so thankful to have to come this conclusion prior to having children.
13. I can't wait to have kids.
14. I want 5 of them.
15. I'm a nerd, and totally accept that about myself.

Starting Over - Sort Of

So, I know I've said this before (nearly a year ago) that I was going to stop neglecting my little space here in the interwebz. I've failed miserably, obviously. In an effort to start writing again I'm going to do the "30 Day Photo Challenge" blog style. I know it is a total rip off of a FB thing, but whatevs.

Also, I am going to attempt to make my blog a place of positivity. I've discussed my negative nature in the past. I struggle with pessimism and negativity a LOT, so I'm going to challenge myself to try and keep this space positive.

First, a little update on life over the past year. January 2010 I posted some resolutions, and I can report that they were not a complete failure. I did go to the gym (well yoga) consistently for the majority of the year, but have fallen off the wagon now. *Note to self: must go back to gym* I am more conscious of my eating, but have not cut out processed food nearly as much as I want to. I am hoping to work more on that this year. I did go to a doula workshop, then began an apprenticeship with a local doula. It is going VERY well. I love it and have found my calling. I will discuss that more in later posts. I also took more pictures. In fact I purchased a DSLR and have been taking birth photos as well. As for attitude, well, that is a work in progress. I struggle with this, and really need to make a better effort to keep a positive, happy, outlook on life. I'm still working on that. The blog speaks for itself (major fail on that resolution).

I have been quite busy lately. I still have my full time job in higher ed, though it has changed somewhat since my last posting. As mentioned above I am also on the road to becoming a doula. So, I have 2 full time jobs. Well, close to full time. My doula'ing is not quite full time, but most evenings after work, and last weekend I attended to 4 moms in 5 days! The ex - boyfriend is definitely no longer EX. Things are going VERY well between us. No relationship is easy and ours is no exception, but our communication (read: me communicating) has gotten much better. We are house hunting right now, and we cannot wait to find one. Unfortunately, last year also had some sadness. My family lost both my grandfather (technically step-grandfather but I never saw him as "step") and a young (26 yo) cousin to cancer. My great-aunt passed as well. My grandfather and great-aunt lived long (both into their 80s) full lives. My cousin's death, however, is one that I've struggled with. He was so young and so full of potential. I can't help but wonder WHY?

That's what I've been up to. Now on to the 30 day photo challenge!