
My Week was Pretty Good, How was Yours?

I've had a pretty good week overall. Went to yoga twice, which really makes a difference in my week. I am pretty high strung, and it forces me to chill out and mentally unwind, even if it is only for an hour. I'd go again tonight, but there isn’t a class at my gym this evening.

I've been ruminating on who I am, what I want out of my life, and who I want to be. I realized I have been focusing on the wrong things. I think I knew this already, somewhere in my subconscious, but have been having a hard time actually accepting it. I am feeling pretty motivated about making changes in my life. I have done more research, and am debating between 2 doula workshops. One is at the last week of February the second is the first week of March. The issue I’m debating now is location. The one in Pensacola is closer, and would be cheaper because I’d be driving instead of flying. But the one in Tampa has a place for me to stay, with a friend who I don’t see enough. I am hoping to finish one of the books I need to read this weekend. I also found a local doula that takes apprentices, so I am pretty excited about that.

I am very seriously considering moving once I am ready to make this career change reality. I’ve been feeling New Orleans pulling on me. I’ve thought for a very long time that I’d be content living in my current city (I use that term loosely, I mean technically this place is a city, but it feels small town-ish at times) for the foreseeable future. I am very close to New Orleans, about an hour away, and can go home whenever I want. But I feel discontent here. I want to be closer so that I can take more advantage of the local music scene and I feel that there are many more cultural opportunities in general there. I feel a magnetic attraction, almost as if I’m being drawn there against my will. I think it’s a place you either love or hate; obviously the former for myself, but I’m biased.

Work was fairly uneventful. The only “exciting” thing that happened this week is freezing cold weather, which really deserves it’s own post. Time for me to get reading, have a good weekend!