Well as I stated in the Pilot I feel like I have some things to get out, and am hoping that writing, well blogging, is the outlet I'm seeking. My therapy if you will. I do not journal for reasons that, at some point, will be discussed here. I am working on finding myself, my voice, and my confidence that got lost somewhere along my journey. I don't consider myself a good writer, but am hoping to surprise myself and push myself by becoming a better, more creative writer.
Another reason I am here is because I LOVE reading blogs. The women, and men, I read inspire me to write and to share myself. I also like the anonymity that blogging can provide. Since I am not sharing this with anyone I know, I feel I can use it as an outlet to discuss issues I am not comfortable discussing otherwise. Maybe, I will even give up my anonymity eventually.
As far as the existential question "Why am I here?" I'm working on that one too.
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